Joe Fournier

Joe Fournier

Thursday, June 20, 2013

UIAs Favorite Sponsor - Invention Home

So to me this is an interesting story,  It involves the relationship between Invention Home (owner Russ Williams, UIA Board Member) SMI (submit My Invention ) software provided by Invention Home, and the UIA (United Inventors Association)

So first lets  take a look at each part of this

The United Inventors Association, a 501c3 non profit educational foundation
Invention Home, provides services for inventors
and SMI, a submission software offered to companies to collect ideas from the inventor community.

Here we are going to directly examine the SMI system first.  I am going to use direct examples, as I was told by mark to learn what I can about the SMI system to use it as a selling point in memberships,

A company signs up for the SMI system, this submission system is offered FREE to companies who wish to have the ability to recieve Ideas and inventions from inventors,  Many companies are currently using this system,  a submission comes in and the company reviews the invention or idea, at that point they can move it a few different folders, they can put it in the review Queue, they can put it in the Accept Queue, or they can Reject the idea,  Now once an idea is rejected by a company, it drops back into a default email offering services to the inventor from Invention Home, so all the rejected ideas, give Invention home an endless supply of potential customers, how much of your data is actually sent to Invention Home?  Good Question,  If inventon Home supplies the system, and they have the ability to log into the system,  would one wonder, does that mean Invention Home has the opportunity to view all the submissions that ever come in through any company? When an idea is Rejected, Does Invention Home have all of the inventors information that he originally submitted to the company using the software? 

Now the owner of this SMI system is on the UIA Board? its quite beneficial to have companies using the system, not just for the company, but for Invention Home as well, considering that Invention home runs the system, and rejected submissions go directly to Invention Home, you can see this when you submit something to ANY of these companies,  if the company rejects the idea, you will recieve an email fom invention home offering to help you, meaning offering to sell you services, I dont know for sure if they have your invention idea in front of them, but I would have to assume from what I was told about the system that YES, not just your information is sent to Invention Home, but your actual submission is not sitting in front of a company you never sent it to.  Example  being Irwin Tools, yousubmit your idea to Irwin Rools using the SMI system, Irwin tools decided they are not interested, now your idea is sitting in front of Invention Home, Think about it, did you say it was okay for Irwin tools to send your idea to another company?  they have a check mark that you have to uncheck as default setting is checked to insure peoples ideas will go to Invention Home,  Now the only verification of this is what I have been told, and a list of emails from when International Housewares show was going on, the amount of interaction directly with Invention Home the UIA and SMI is astounding, think about it if you participated in International housewares, and you submitted to any of the 3 panels "QVC Sprouts", "Pitch to the Pros" , or the "Rubbermaid Pitch"  all 3 of these were setup to use the SMI system, so of all the entries, if yours was rejected, some of your information if not all of your information went to Invention Home, to offer you services,  I wonder how many people knew this when they submitted their Ideas or inventions,  How many people know the website is directly linked to board member Russ Williams (Invention Home) There is a clear and direct connection, its no wonder when you think back to the tradeshows this year, the primary sponsor has been Invention Home, yet thinking back when I had access to the ledger, I cannot recall a single sponsor payment coming into the UIA, not that they didnt pay in a different way, but it did not reflect in the General ledger of the UIA web management.

Why would the UIA ask me to promote the SMI system as a selling point to Sponsorship?  Wouldnt this directly benefit board member Russ Williams?, wouldnt this directly help Invention Home, which offers services to inventors?, Is Invention Home an Invention Promoter or service provider, would that make them fall under the Inventors Rights act of 1999?  I am told by Mark Reyland, that NO they are not, but other companies who do the exact same thing are?  not really sure how that works, maybe because it does not apply to UIA Board Members Companies?

While I cannot post all of the emails as there are many, I will post more in the comments as needed. 

Sent: Friday, February 15, 2013 11:56 AM
Subject: RE: article - info

I believe Jessica has the login to the Housewares Show SMI account.
All you need to do is go into the account, click on the ACCEPT folder that should be the final list of inventors who purchased a booth and click the CSV link at the top.
As you know, the CSV link is going to download all of the raw data from the accept folder. From there you can save as an Excel file and delete all the columns you don’t need. I believe you’re just interested in name and contact info.
This should give you a list to email.
Russell Williams | PresidentInventionHome
275 Center Road, Suite 105, Monroeville, PA 15146
P: 412-229-1340 x107 |
Sent: Friday, February 15, 2013 8:47 AM
Subject: article - info
Here is brief article we included in our newsletter to companies this month.
This will give you a little more info about our system.
Russell Williams | PresidentInventionHome
275 Center Road, Suite 105, Monroeville, PA 15146
P: 412-229-1340 x107 |


Where did all the rejections from that housewares show go? yeah, Invention Home. Look I know I played a part in this as well, and I am making every effort to right the wrongs I have done in this, I got caught up in the same game, I am guilty of that, and like my first email blast I sent out, I do apologize for my involvement with the United Inventors Association, I was conned by Mark Reyland into believing I was doing what was best forthe inventor, it wasnt till my unjust termination that I realized or finally just opened my own eyes and saw what was going on, I hope people can forgive me for my part in all this, when I started, I just wanted to help people my first "job" with the UIA was Volunteer coordinator, I wanted to help myself with my own ideas as well, I feel Still it is my responsibility to tell people the truths they may not be aware of.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

UIA Corporate Sponsors

We have to keep in Mind, in many cases, the UIA sponsors are victims here as well, they were being told that they would be researched and if the UIA did not do those checks, thats not the fault of the sponsor,  there are some good companies within the UIA,  I am not going to get into specifics as I suggest any company you want to deal with its YOUR responsibility to research who they are and what they do,  from what I have learned in all this, I dont care whos website say company A is good or bad,  I will look for myself, I will do my own background checks and decide for myself who I feel I can or cannot trust.

UIA Sponsors signed up to get access to the UIA members, again they were told the UIA was going to conduct extensive background checks into the companies practices, if the UIA did not do that, its NOT the fault of the sponsor!

I know I have repeated myself, but people need to understand, these are bsuinesses who paid alot of money to access the UIA membership, send out their advertisements or other company information,  they too are victims of the UIA.  I am urging each and every one of you to do any kind if background checks you can,  thinking back even though it wasn't my job I should have done more,  I was told by Mark to get the basic information on the companies who showed interest, don't spend lot of time on it because the executive committee will research and if they come back with a no, I would have just wasted time I could be working on another company,  I was often told by Mark, "its the quickest trip to the bank". Looking back, I fell right in line, it was my paycheck, it was his I fed my family.

Back to the UIA Sponsors they are also the victims,  it was described to them as their company was undergoing an extensive background investigation, by the UIA, once Mark once told me "wait a couple days before you call them back,  then you can say it was close but I was able to get you in". He explained how it would make them feel like I really fought for them.  I know there are good companies, and good people in the UIA sponsors

Do your research on any company you want to deal with find out who is in charge Google them with the name and "scam" or "ripoff" things like that,

If you know any good ways or tools that can help people with. Please post them so others can use it too.

Friday, June 14, 2013

My Story Part TWO - insider blows the whistle on the United Inventors Association


Initially, when I started the membership director position there was NO voting. It was simply a company would want to join, they would pay their dues and they were added to the website and blog pages. After the Jan 2013 (annual) board meeting the process changed.  There are 5 members of the executive committee Mark Reyland (also the executive Director) Trevor Lambert, Ken Bloemer, Warren Tuttle (president), and Bill McHenry. Generally speaking I would do basic research on a company and send it over for a vote; the only NO vote I recall ever getting was from Bill McHenry. McHenry or Warren (I cannot remember which) initiated a conference call to discuss the company. After Bill presented his evidence as to why this company should not be allowed into the UIA, it was sent back out for vote, the votes came in 4 YES and 1 NO (the no was still Bill McHenry). It was a “majority wins” voting system, and once I had 3 YES votes I could send them (the new member) a link to make payment.

 I received an email from a previous corporate sponsor who with their permission I will include their story where she says that their references were never even checked, The Company was promised a bunch of things that they never received, and feels taken advantage of as a corporate sponsor. The original letter is also on my blog. 
 Here is the Quoted Email from this previous “Certified Pros’” letter to me , it seems as even when they had the Certified Pro label for what they now call sponsors, nothing was different, they were not doing all the checks they had promised the UIA community they promised they were doing anyway.  Maybe that explains the “so what” attitude, I guess nothing really changed but the name, they were never doing any actual research back then either.

“Dear Joe!

Thank you for your candor! I appreciate your honesty and boldness to step forward and "blow the whistle". I was actually offered your position by Mark Reyland almost a year ago and when I queried him on the outrageous requirements of the job position I never received an answer. I can validate your claim as I paid $5000.00 for a Platinum Membership and was never researched nor were my references called. A fact I found terribly disturbing given the level of "approval" i was supposed to be subjected to. I was promised that I would be invited to be a guest speaker at trade shows, attend VIP dinners where conferences were held and never received an invitation. I was fleeced for $5000.00 and couldn't even access the membership directory after paying. I could go on and on.

If you would like to discuss this with me further or need any fodder to substantiate your claims please feel free to call me!! I was left out to dry by the UIA at the Platinum Level and lost all hope in my invention and company.

I am SO appreciative you stepped out and brought this situation into the light!!

With gratitude,

Identity hidden intentionally.

So I have to wonder now with the UIA, was it ever about the actual Inventor, or was it about the money, I think we all know the answer to that. I cant even count the times I was told that the amount of money coming in didn’t cover the “nut”  I also know several weeks ago I was told directly by Mark Reyland that the UIA account had a over 700.00 negative balance,  that is what he said.

While I didn’t know about any actual perks involved with the tradeshow sponsors. The only thing I found odd, is InventionHome was always a sponsor of trade shows, I don’t know if that is wrong, just thought that they were just hand in hand with the UIA. I do not know what or if they paid for sponsorships, as trade shows were not my department; it just always struck me as odd.

As far as my job with the UIA goes, I was never written up for anything, I was never reprimanded, I was never in any sort of trouble None!  In reviewing emails I see a lot of praises for my hard work. I was terminated when I asked Mark to call me, related to being compensated for work I had completed 2 weeks prior in a text message which turned into a “back and forth” text argument that resulted in “the UIA will no longer require your services.” I was asked to take over, because I was told by Mark Reyland that Roger Brown who had been answering the email was forced to quit doing the job, or face consequences greater than a few day suspensions he received from his workplace Edison Nation, and Roger Brown was to write an apology letter to John Young.  SO I took over that Job and was promised 500.00 per month, at the end of April I sent a report of how many questions came in, I submitted the required information at the end of the month.  I expected to be paid, when 2 weeks went by I sent mark a text message that said something like, Hey Bud, sorry for your loss, but when you have time I really need to talk to you about compensation on the inventing question thing.  Mark sent back a nasty message I sent a nasty message, this went back and forth and then I received the UIA will no longer require your services, in a text message

Its interesting reflecting back and now that as I have talked to 2 other people who were offered this position, they were offered a higher pay structure than I was, example being, a full platinum membership costs 5000.00 and commission on the 2 other contracts were 1000 commission, but I was only paid 750.00 for the same thing, I wonder now looking at Mark Reyland told me they were never offered 1000, was Mr Reyland been pocketing 250.00 of each sale I made?  I requested the procedures for hiring and firing and have not gotten a reply.  Also wouldn’t the pay involved in any position be something that would have been voted on by the board? Or does this just another example where Mark Reyland is the board and makes all the decisions on his own?  Why would my pay be different than someone else’s?  I can see where as I had no experience in the beginning, to make a smaller amount, but I had proven my abilities many times over.  I was also told that I would make a base pay of 500.00 per month, when QVC pulled their deal out I was told that I would no longer be getting a base pay,  there were times where I worked all month and if a sale didn’t come in, I spent the entire month and made absolutely NOTHING.

I was accused of hacking into the UIA computer systems, when the fact is I simply logged in with the credentials given to me by Mark. I found it actually refreshing that in Warren’s message to the members he admits to what I had told everyone; they did indeed change the certification to (just) sponsorship, but he did not address why the UIA failed to inform the UIA community of this change.

I truly do not understand; even before all this there are tons of stories of how unethical Mark is and how he is giving the UIA a bad name, to the point I was told directly by Mark, that the negativity around him cost the UIA some $200,000 per year on a 3-year deal with QVC.  And I was told by Mark that Bill McHenry had asked for Mark’s resignation at some point to the board or maybe directly to Warren. Why the President of the organization would allow this I really have no clue.

If I could Make a recommendation to anyone it would be research,  Not just the UIA, but any company, find out who you are dealing with, find out who is in the company research those people as well,  I actually Have a few ideas on how to create an organization better than what the UIA is offering.


Thursday, June 13, 2013

My Story Part ONE - insider blows the whistle on the United Inventors Association

Around May of 2012, I was an Inventor Member of the UIA, a post had come to my email looking for volunteers for the UIA,  I volunteered and shortly after received a phone call from Mark Reyland, Mark offered various tasks and offered to pay me for those tasks on a per task basis,  I worked for the UIA for almost a year, My first “Official Title” was Volunteer Coordinator, During that time I was still doing the work and research on the Inventors Rights Act of 1999.  Prior to this I had no writing experience that would qualify my to re write any legislative document.

When I first got involved with this I did not know a lot about the UIA, I was simply a Member who had signed up a short time before, and wanted to volunteer to help, from my understanding, the UIA was supposed to be a place where inventors could go to get help from quality and trusted companies, other resources were available, to help inventors become successful.  While I did not know a whole lot about the UIA, Mark Reyland pushed that it’s all about teaching inventors, later more derogatory terms were used, but I will get into the later.

Mark had met with me and I shared with him my invention, in which he thought was great, so did everyone I showed it to, but still do date I have no great success story to tell from any invention, even now why Mark thought I had any qualifications to do any of these Jobs I really do not know, maybe because I showed an interest, looking back, maybe because I would be easy to manipulate.  With the Director, of Corporate Membership services, looking back and seeing the emails, I was really pushed into this job, almost goaded into taking the Job, that I KNEW I was not qualified for.  This is part of an email I received when I was being asked to take the job

Really….are you scared of this level of job? because if you are I'm going to make fun of you forever :)

 I am an inventor who to date has never brought a product to market, I had no experience in any of the positions I did with the UIA, I had to teach myself just about everything , when I had questions I would email them to mark for clarification, It is my opinion it was my level of interest in inventing or looking back now, an easy victim, I was never asked for any work history, references, or anything like that,  I struggled with the decision to take the offer and had many discussions with my wife about it, I feared I could not do the job as described, Mark finally talked me into taking the position, and I jumped in head first not knowing what I was doing.  I was simply a UIA member trying help  people.  Then is when I learned how the corporate membership programs worked, Patron Membership 500.00 per year with no ROI, a small business platinum Membership 3000.00  per year included 2 emails per year to advertise to the UIA members, and one blog a month, and a Platinum Membership which hekd the same ROI as the Small business platinum Membership5000.00 per year.  In many cases even a large company could sign up for the 3000.00 membership it was said that its better to get 3000.00 from them than nothing at all. So even those “rules” were not enforced.

In a couple cases the UIA allowed companies to “pay to play” for emailing the UIA community, on one such case, Inventions Geneva was charged $500, for a patron membership and paid an additional $500.00 for the UIA to advertise their event. We sent out two emails for Inventions Geneva for the additional $500. 

In the second case, Ron Docie signed up for a Patron membership and was allowed to advertise his services to the UIA community.  No other Patron member was afforded this opportunity unless it was where I asked them to send me something for a blog post thanking our patron members.

Certain trades were made with companies to exchange services for sponsorship, Fargo Design, and a radio station both had services trade agreements. Trade a membership from the UIA for their services.

It wasn’t till all this started that I realized that even the telling the corporate sponsors we were emailing at this point almost 14,000 members, the fact of the matter is really this well that’s not quite the truth either, you see almost 14,000 is the member count, but what they don’t tell you when they send out the emails is the some 5000 of those who have opted out of receiving emails from the UIA, and it doesn’t tell you of the 2000 to 3000 errors it gets from people signing up with fake, or improper emails, so how many out of almost 14,000 wind up actually getting an email, if my memory recalls somewhere between 6000 and 7000 that actually receive the email, and then add the bounce backs that came to my email, either the email for that person had changed, required verification, unknown delivery recipient, so the number may be even less than that.
To be continued......

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

AUTHORIZED - insider blows the whistle on the United Inventors Association

Mark Reyland writes an email to the 14,000 UIA members claiming that I somehow "gained unauthorized access to the UIA mail servers

(oh as a note, the advertises that it sends out emails to its almost 14,000 members, well that’s not quite the truth either, you see almost 14,000 is the member count, but what they don’t tell you when they send out the emails is the some 5000 of those who have opted out of receiving emails from the UIA, and it doesn’t tell you of the 2000 to 3000 errors it gets from people signing up with fake, or improper emails, so how many out of almost 14,000 wind up actually getting an email, if my memory recalls somewhere between 6000 and 7000 that actually receive the email)

Subject: Unauthorized use of UIA Email Server

On behalf of the entire UIA we would like to apologize for the email you received this evening from Joe Fournier. Mr. Fournier was terminated from the UIA on Monday of this week. We are unsure at this point how he gained this unauthorized access to our system.

Our attorneys will look into this matter and pursue all available legal remedies.

Again, we apologize for any inconvenience this incident may have caused you and look forward to your continued support of the UIA Inventor Education Mission

The UIA Staff

But the email I got from Mark and Members clicks was this:

Hello Joe Fournier,

You have been added by Mark Reyland as an Authorized Service Administrator (ASA) for United Inventors Association of America. Your login information is below.

Username: joefournier
Password: summer2012

As an ASA, you have full administrative access to Member Clicks and are also able to access any online and phone support services provided by our Help Team. Please contact Mark Reyland by replying to this email should you have questions about the use of your authorized service administrator profile for United Inventors Association of America.

the Member Clicks Help Team

Kind of appears like I was given full administrative access to Members clicks, where the UIA mailing list is stored.


I told everyone about the way the UIA handled the change over from certification to sponsor

"During the annual board meeting at the end of January 2013, the United Inventors Association CEASED certification of their sponsor companies because certification creates liability for the UIA. However they failed to offer you, the inventor in need of assistance, and the courtesy of informing you that they had removed this safety net. The UIA board members preferred to allow you to trust that they were performing their due diligence with the companies who received their seal of membership for their websites and on the UIA website. In reality, the United Inventors Association was no longer performing any such service. "

Warren at least told the truth in his rebuttal letter, he told you that it changed AFTER the UIA was called out, I still have not seen them address this, how does the UIA community know they are looking into the background of businesses, why he chose to NEVER tell you.

The UIA Board voted in February to change our corporate certification sponsorship program to a corporate sponsorship program. We did this for several reasons, not the least of which involved companies outside the UIA questioning the validity of any organization preforming an official certification process. Additionally, the UIA was acting on the advice of legal counsel who advised us that a certification process could expose the organization to legal liability. A portion of the organization’s funding comes from corporate members; however our focus on the needs of the individual inventor remains our primary goal. I can assure everyone that the UIA cares deeply about who we are associated with and will continue to carefully screen all corporate sponsorship applicants.


In this part of my original letter I state Mark conducted inappropriate unethical practices against another inventor using his position to change another person’s idea.

I have had personal conversations with Mark Reyland, the Executive Director of the United Inventors Association, during which he explained that he was duplicating a product another inventor had only recently successfully brought to the consumer market. Mark Reyland, the EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR of the UIA made DEMANDS that this inventor show him the claims on the patent the inventor held. He has even asked me to do CAD design work for a product that I now believe he was trying to at least directly interfere with the success of, if not outright steal.

And from the inventor Mark tried to take advantage of

Monday, May 27, 2013

At 11:32 AM Posted by Lesia Farmer


I am at the forefront of this issue of Mark Reyland redesigning an inventor's product. Why you ask? Because I am Elisa Farmer, the Elisa Farmer that Mark redesigned my "Trap Door Colander"

There are a million questions regarding Warren Tuttle, Mark Reyland, Lifetime Brands, and the UIA coming in, and I need to clear up the facts of the story. Please read this story in its entirety, as I need to clear up the names of the innocent people/companies involved here.

Here are the clear facts for anyone who wants to take the time to read:

Several months ago, I was contacted by Mark Reyland who had a new design to my Trap Door Colander. He asked me what I thought of the product "I explained to Mark that I thought my patent application covered his design" and honestly I was not a big fan of the product, but that is the one I wanted him to stay with out of fear of what it could do to my colander which was just beginning to barely make traction in retail.

I then spoke to Warren Tuttle, who called to fill me in on the fact that Mark was working on a colander, and had asked for it to be submitted to Lifetime Brands. Warren at that time explained to me that it was his contractual responsibility to submit products to them, but that in fact he would proceed with caution on my behalf. Warren also said he had explained to Mark that he needed to in fact get in touch with me because of the ethical issue at hand I assume. Mark did contact me via phone, and once again I explained that I felt my patent application covered his design. He proceeded to explain to me that I did not have an actual patent, and that all I had was a patent application, which was true. He said that only way he would know whether he needed to include me was by seeing my patent claims. Like I am stupid enough to just toss me out to whoever asks for them. We got into a bit of what I consider a mild disagreement, and we at the end agreed I would contact my patent attorney. At that point I was advised not to have any more discussions with Mark about my patent. So that is what I did, no more contact.

At that point Warren Tuttle did in fact what his obligation was to do, and that was to submit Mark's version of the colander to Lifetime Brands. Warren kept me in the loop, and did come back and tell me that he had shown it, but because of the complicated issues he advised Lifetime Brands it may not be a good idea to move forward. Lifetime Brands in fact turned the new colander design down. All I can say is "what a sigh of relief!!"

During this time I also had Joe Fournier contact me that was working on the CADS for Mark, because he was a friend of mine. He was also worried about the ethical issues of designing CADS around my product. He and I had many in depth discussions about my feelings on the issue, and he did well at keeping me calm. Mark Reyland was also a friend of his, and we tried to keep the two separate, and he never shared the CADS with me. He just assured me that my product was better, so no worries. He also had a job to do for the UIA, and I always tried to respect that. Then at a much later date Joe shared with me that Mark Reyland had submitted the new colander design to A.J. Khubani on his private jet. I have verified that story through a very reliable source, and that source was someone who was also on the plane.

With everything I am trying to say, my main focus is that people understand that I respect Warren Tuttle's responsibility to Lifetime Brands, and I have never held against him that he did his job. Warren Tuttle is a great friend of mine, and still today I trust him. I think the distrust needs to be shifted in another direction, and that is the direction of Mark Reyland. I told Mark if this ever got out, it would be a train wreck, well Mark by not covering yourself, and boasting about what you had done, the train wreck is in fact here. I sit back, and kept my mouth closed, and you decided to move forward and make people aware you were redesigning my colander, and that is your fault.

I also would like to add that legally Mark Reyland did NOTHING wrong....... For the inventor community it seems to be the ETHICS are what is in question here with Mark Reyland position as Executive Director of the United Inventors Association!!

He spoke of me as if I was not only a friend, but a professional inventor: and maybe this is why I have had a hard time with this.

I do not want this blog post to be about anger or hurt, so I will leave it at this. I have drawn my own conclusion............Now it's up to you the reader to draw yours as to who is guilty of anything. It is NOT Warren Tuttle, it is NOT Lifetime Brands, and NOT the UIA. The only part the UIA that plays in any of this is the position Mark Reyland holds as the Executive Director.

I put my faith in Warren that he will handle this internally, and my hopes is that one bad apple does not spoil the whole bunch. We all agree the UIA has some outstanding inventor programs, and I know these people tirelessly give their personal time. I beg of each one of you reading, please put the blame where it is due, and not against an entire organization.

Any responses will be monitored before I post them because I will NOT have this turn into a more confusing situation, nor will I let this get out of hand with anything that is not a fact in this story!!


These are the points that my first email addressed and all parts of that email were backed up with FACTS, What did I get in return from the UIA? I got called a criminal, I got called a hacker, and I was accused of doing things I never did,

I have known Mark for almost a year, and you know something when I asked him what he invented and had on the market he sent me, the ba noodle, and twist caps, stupid little plastic caps to put on a soda can. Even as a so called friend he has never once produced anything till I saw him copying Lesias Idea.

Marks credentials of course are top secret, of course he had a great work experiences, that’s why he works for the UIA now making what he can steal or 36,000 a year if he was approved by HOS board, that brings up another topic, we will save that for this week, mark tells me that the UIA Board answers to HIM not the other way around. Then we will talk about how the UIA pays its "volunteers"


Monday, June 10, 2013

JOE - insider blows the whistle on the United Inventors Association

Joe said to people many times that he just need to back out of this whole thing, the effects this is having on his health are sometimes devastating. For some reason he keeps going, There is so much information he feels the Inventor Public needs to know.

We want you to know his story and situation, back in November Joe had a serious slip and fall, from there it’s been a nightmare, what started as what Joe thought was going to be simply spinal injections into his spine to relieve the pressure his spine was putting on his nerve going down his leg, it turned into a second injection, then a third injection, when all of these failed to solve the problem Joe was referred to a surgeon, after a MRI, 3 days later Joe was scheduled for his first surgery, a micro discectomy that was on April 4Th of 2013, at his checkup and another MRI on April 24Th Then underwent his next surgery a revision of the first surgery when the pain and the feeling of someone pouring acid down the center of his right leg was still there, and hundreds of tiny blisters, down the same leg that he had been having all the problems with, after that he was advised by his primary doctor to maybe get a second opinion, So Joe went to a new surgeon, now this was kind of scary and fast for him, he had scheduled his MRI for Wednesday morning, and then from there he went directly to his new surgeons appointment, the surgeon reviewed his MRI and took X-Rays, During that visit, Joe was admitted into the hospital once again, this was a Wednesday May 29Th with surgery scheduled for Friday, his first night in the hospital they were unable to get his pain even close to under control, now this is the same pain he had been dealing with for months, Joe's surgery was moved up a day and instead of Friday, he had a spinal fusion on Thursday May 30Th (metal rods, and screws attached to (L4 to L5 and L5 to S1) Now he has felt pain, but what was coming after this surgery he couldn't even describe what this felt like, it was a whole new level of pain he wish no one on the planet will ever have to go through.

Now if this wasn't enough Mark Reyland called Joe's local police department and said Joe had hacked in to the UIA computer data base and had equipment belonging to the UIA that Joe won’t return and that Joe is a dangerous man. This was just days after the lumbar fusion. So now the police are beating on Joe's door and windows aggressively, expecting a crazed dangerous man.

So it took Joe a little while to get to and open the door because he only can get around with the use of a WALKER. Joe opens and the police see a weak man assisted by the use of a WALKER, they looked at each other and calmed down a bit. They explained the charge's Mark Reyland is accusing Joe of,. Joe then with the use of his WALKER, creeps to his computer and slowly takes a seat. And prints out a letter where Mark explains, all he wants back from Joe is an Iphone as it was under contract of the UIA,  Joe showed the “Harassment” mark had complained about was Joe trying to make efforts to return the requested equipkent, each morning Joe was sending text messages to mark and warren telling them the package is ready for pick up, and that he would be there all day if they wanted to have it picked up,  When joe handed the police the package all ready to be shipped with shipping label attached.  I think the police realized,  Reyland had lied to them. Now its time to talk about the office equipment that Mark Reyland says Joe refuses to return. There was a cell phone in a box ready to ship and Joe had said to Mark and the UIA it was ready for pick up over a week ago, the police took this with them to send to Mark Reyland to shut him up.


Joe had previously offered to pack and have ready to ship, the UIA scanner,  printer, office chair, and variery of small office equipment. This is what Mark Reyland is accusing Joe of not being willing to return. The Very Items Mark stated in a letter “keep it as a gift from the UIA ". This was in the beginning when Mark was trying to pacify Joe so all this information would stop hitting the web. Joe showed this message Mark Reyland sent saying to keep it and it was a “GIFT ", so now the police see it’s another lie from Mark Reyland. Also in case you can’t tell by this story and Joe needing the use of a WALKER, he not very dangerous either, just another Mark Reyland lie.

Mark Reyland also did the same to John Young twice, most recently a month or so ago. And both times claiming John Young was threatening both him and his family. John Young handled it the same way, he invited the detectives in to look at his computer, the detectives saw nothing, and had no proof of Mark Reylands claims with them. They also left believing John Young.

Mark Reyland abuses anyone and anything he needs to get what he wants, from filing false police reports, to copying inventors inventions, lying, conning, deceiving, on and on. This industry won’t heal until the cancer we have that is Mark Reyland is cut out and in remission.

This is why we friends of Joe set up a Indigogo campaign to help him with his finances and unpaid bills. We have raised $210 to help him so far. This donation kept his power on for a while longer. Now we are asking everyone here who reads this and other blogs warning you of what is happening to please donate.

 We know most of you are afraid of Mark Reyland and don't want your name showing support for Joe or others for Mark Reyland to see. So you can donate and remain anonymous. Even if each one of you put in just $5 { the cost of a happy meal at McDonald's } it would quickly add up. So we friends of Joe are asking for your help and support. Joe doesn't like asking for help and wont, but we know his situation and have DEMANDED he post this on his blog for the sake of him and his family.

Please help here

Thank you

*** A Note rom Joe, I have some good friends who are concerned about me for that I am forever grateful,  Even the hundreds of emails I receive tell me I am doing the right thing, as for this indiegogo thing, it just didn’t feel right to ask people for money, But the facts are the facts, all the pressure has been put on my wife,  what I would like to do is make some sort of drawing or something,  I have a few things gifted me from the UIA,  I will have to check to see if I am allowed to do this, but I am thinking by random drawing after the campaign, I would send someone something.  It makes me feel weird to take donations when I know for not only me for a lot of families, times are hard.  my friends asked me to post this, and asked and asked, finally I said I would.

After Warren promised me I would get my laptop computer that I left with the tradeshow kit, now mark tells the police, its a gift.  There is more going on here that I cannot talk about, as mark decided to open an Investigation, I have asked also for my local police departments help. wel will see where that goes.
More to come....

Friday, June 7, 2013

EDISON NATION - insider blows the whistle on the United Inventors Association

 the link above will take you to the full content of the blog on the UIA Blog.

So did you know the very company Mark is talking about in this blog, Edison Nation, Did you know that the person who replies to or used to reply to, and may still may be, is Roger Brown

The UIA offers an email address you can email  notice the company that Mark is blasting in the blog above is Edison Nation,  now who do you think all this time who has been writing the replies to your emails when you ask your questions, Roger Brown, Licensing of Edison Nation,  Now at one point Roger had to quit replying to UIA members, not because Mark had trashed Edison Nation, but because he was TOLD to, he was given week off work and forced to write a formal apology letter John Young, (for?)  I know this story because Mark told me the story when he asked me to take over the mail address, answering questions for inventors, I think it was even listed as ask a pro,  well Just because I worked for the UIA does not make me a pro, as a matter of fact while I did my best to give a decent answer, all I really could do was google the question and hope I was giving helpful information.  The point being did the UIA really care who answered the questions, why wouldn't they have someone who had more knowledge than I? Was I qualified? No I have never marketed a product, had an invention sitting on a store shelf, I was just your average Joe.

Why am I telling you all this, I am giving you an inside look into the UIA.  if you have ever wondered something, feel free to ask me, and if I know the answer I will be more than happy to provide you with the answers.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Greg Amundson - insider blows the whistle on the United Inventors Association

There is yet another victim in all of Mark Reyland's madness. Greg Amundson was a victim of Mark Reyland's lies. A letter defaming me with false allegations was posted on the UIA BlogSpot with Greg Amundson signed as the author. I contacted Greg Amundson by phone to ask about it, and to ask why he would post these lies about me. Greg Amundson told me " I don't know you, I don't know anything about you, and I never wrote that letter defaming you.” I spoke with Mark Reyland on the phone, and he admitted that HE had added the defaming comments to a blog that Greg Amundson had written PRAISING Mark Reyland and the UIA (and how crappy is it to use one of your supporters in this careless, self serving way). On top of all this, Warren Tuttle told me over the phone that Greg Amundson did in fact admit to writing it. So did Warren Tuttle actually talk to Greg Amundson??, Did Greg Amundson in fact tell Warren, that he did not have anything to do with it, and does not even know me, Did Warren tell me Greg Amundson? admitted to saying all those things just because he knew what a position it put Mark and because written on the UIA Site, the UIA in?  Greg Amundson letter was on the UIA BlogSpot for a few days until Warren Tuttle made Mark Reyland remove it. So Warren Tuttle’ why would you have Mark Reyland remove it if it was a letter legitimately written by Greg Amundson?  I Sent an email to Greg Amundson and asked him if he would simply write me back what he told me on the phone that he had nothing to do with this, he doesn't even know who I am. I did not get a reply…    Here is the letter as it was posted on the UIA BlogSpot. NOTHING said about me is true !

Saturday, May 18

What I know about Mark Reyland & Warren Tuttle

May 17, 2013 From: A fellow Inventor
I got the emails this week like everybody else. But what I know is Joe Fournier is a convicted Felon who spent three years in prison for theft and computer hacking. I also know Mark Reyland took a chance on him when no one else would. I have worked with Mark Reyland and the Directors of the UIA for over 4 years now. Mark has become a good friend of ours and his integrity, honesty and helpfulness is paramount. We started our the pursuit of our invention 4 years ago at the Inventors Congress Show in Redwood Falls, MN where we were first introduced to Mark Reyland. Mark was the kind of guy that was not there to provide false hope or tell you that you would make a bunch of money with your idea. He was very direct and to the point. Some of his comments stung a little and I remember being more than tweaked at what he told me I had to change to become successful with our product. After that Show I realized he was right and I worked toward making some of these changes which have gotten us to where we are today. That was 4 years ago and today we find ourselves in a wonderful position with opportunities I could never of dreamed of with numerous national companies. But, we would not be where we are without the help of MarkReyland. Period! Mark was always been there to help in his direct no BS style. Many times he was quite critical but in hindsight he was almost always right. When I read stories about Mark Reyland stealing inventor’s ideas or running the UIA for the benefit of the invention companies it couldn’t be further from the truth. Mark has had many opportunities to send us in directions that would benefit him financially but he has never done so. Mark has always been very honest and open about inventor companies good and bad. To this day, Mark has provided us with guidance and honesty that has benefited us without any financial gain for himself. Mark Reyland is not the only one at the UIA that has provided help in our pursuit of becoming a successful company. Warren Tuttle and the other directors have provided valuable assistance many times over without benefit to themselves. I may never understand what caused the lashing out by a past employee of the UIA but I can honestly say that Mark Reylandand the Board of Directors at the UIA have always had our best interests first and foremost. We owe a lot of our success to them and very much appreciate it. Greg Amundson Posted by Mark Reyland at 9:45 AM No comments: icon18_email Links to this post

Now here is something to really take note of, the title of the article says " what I know about Mark Reyland & Warren Tuttle, yet in the first paragraph its nothing to go with Mark or Warren, it instantly goes into bashing me,  if anyone would like references as to who I am and my work ethics, let me know, my email has been posted quite a bit,

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

UIA Facts - Insider blows the whistle on the United Inventors Association

UIA Facts you may not know
.26 of every dollar that comes in to the UIA actually goes towards inventor education. (Although I do not know where, there has been no new materials put on the website since I had started, no new programs, where is all the money going?)
so basically .74 of every dollar given to the UIA goes to administrative costs
In the Board Meeting in January in Orlando Florida, it was requested to raise Marks pay from 24,000 per year to 36,000 per year, so when we break this down to sponsors, it takes 12 Small Business  Accounts, just to pay Mark Reyland, each small business account cost 3000,00 for the year.
Commissions are paid to “employees” and I find out now that even after all the hard work I did, I never received the guaranteed 500.00 per month I was  promised because a deal with QVC went sour,  there was a 200,000 per year deal being made with QVC, I am told by mark, that QVC backs out during the due diligence stages as QVC checked everything out and found too much bad publicity against mark reyland. so they pulled out until they problem was resolved.  Mark bragged about how he was going to make so much more money each year as a result of this influx off cash.  I don’t know exactly what this fund was supposed to be for, but mark sure was happy when he thought the deal was going to go through,  no more money problems for the UIA, its Marks Reputation that stopped that deal.
Now here is something I found interesting, in meeting people and talking with people, I found the Job had been offered to two other people, the difference is the commission, it clearly states they would make 1000.00 off each Platinum full membership sold,  I say this on 2 separate pages, from two separate people, so now the question I have is, did the board ever vote as to what the payments would be for this job?  there should have been a meeting, but I was paid 750 per new platinum membership, so did mark pocket the additional 250.00 from each sale I made?

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

UIA BOARD - Insider Blows the Whistle on the United Inventors Association

So it appears that the UIA is going to just try to sweep all this under the rug,  if this is not the case, the UIA has given no indication that it even cares what's going on,
I would like to introduce you all to the UIA Board
Mark Reyland Executive Director (
Trevor Lambert UIA Board Member ( Also owns a company called Enhance Product Development
Warren Tuttle UIA Board President ( is also the scout for Lifetime Brands, and now TTI
Terry Whipple UIA Board Member (
Michael Miller UIA Board Member ( Product search for DANCO
James Walgreen UIA Board Member ( works for more media Direct
Jim Patterson UIA Board member (
Russ Williams UIA Board Member ( runs Invention Home and the SMI system.
Bill McHenry UIA Board Member ( Owns Envision Sales and Marketing
Ken Bloemer UIA Board Member (
Calvin Flowers UIA Board Member (
AJ Khubani UIA Board Member ( Telebrands Corp Founder
Rob Greenspoon UIA Board Member (
Scott Hynd UIA Board Member ( Profprmance Marketing
Now here is something maybe one of you can answer, I have done research on 501c3 structures does this make sense to you
Meet the Executive Committee
Bill McHenry, Trevor Lambert, Ken Bloemer, Warren Tuttle, and Mark Reyland.
why would the executive director be a part of the Executive Committee?
Now look at the people who serve on the board and what they do for a living, look at the companies they own, is there a conflict of interest here?
For some reason Mark Reyland is still allowed a position to take advantage of people, even before all of this look at the reputation he brings to the UIA, Maybe Mark has done a few good things, but at the cost of even ONE inventor is NOT worth it!
Please email the UIA board, request the termination of Mark Reyland from having any role in the organization.
If we sit back and do nothing, who is next, who will lose everything as a result of Mark Reyland, who's idea will he try to modify for his own personal gain next, who’s patent application will he decide to put his own name on as the inventor. who is the next single mother he will attempt to have sexual related text messages with, How much more money will he be allowed to take from the organization for his own personal use?

Inventors, if we do not stand together for what is right, who will?  its time we took our industry back from the sharks and predators, its time we stood for what is right.
please email each and every board member, its time the right thing is done, Mark shouldn’t be allows to remain in the position to hurt people.

Monday, June 3, 2013

MARK HURTS - Indiser blows the whistle on the United Inventors Association Part 3

insider blows the whistle on the United Inventors Association

So now I it here with a dilemma, another Innocent inventor was taken advantage if my our friend, but this time in a whole different way, in a way that in the legal sense could be really bad, I think? SO our Buddy, the king of inventions, takes this guys letter edits in his own works, then posts it for the world to see, hurtful things, slanderous things, liable, things. so if I decide to sue these people all who have spread lies about me from Some serious crimes, and then to be accused of hacking into the UIAs computer system…. anyway So there's this inventor he has done nothing wrong, he sent a letter a man who added his own things to the letter, how do you protect the inventor? If you take it court with the rest of the stuff them it becomes part of public record, Link it to the rest of the stuff that’s been happening for years now,I Talked to the guy on the phone, seems like a really nice guy, from what others tell me he is a great guy with a great family. he stated “I don’t know you, I don’t know who you are, I don’t want any mart of any of this” I emailed him and asked him if he would send me and about the tings we talked about n the phone, and never got a reply, I don’t blame the guy who was put in this situation, both have told me that the text was added to the letterSo what do I do? I pursue it, and potentially affect this guy who did nothing wrong Do I let it go and let someone else in the future get taken advantage of at no concern for ANYONES WELL BEING EXCEPT HIS OWN? And then I think I gave him the option with the email I sent giving him a chance to do what's right, (then again he says he just don’t want to get involved) I didn’t involve him we don’t even know each other, have never met the man. so what do ya do?

CHANGES - insider blows the whistle on the United Inventors Association

insider blows the whistle on the United Inventors Association (Part Two)

May 28, 2013

If anyone would have told me in the beginning what doing what I have done would have such an impact on my personal life, my family, my friends, I cant be sure I would have done this, as some of you may know, while I was still working for the UIA, have endured multiple back surgeries, they have me on pain killers that lately don't even seem to work, and in the middle of all this I am told by my doctors, if my stress levels are not put under control, it is going to kill me.

I want to thank everyone for the support they have offered and advise I have held close to my heart from people I do not even know who actually care.

The reason for Part 2 of this is to put it all together, in the original post people shared their stories, offered their support and done everything they could to help, for that I am forever grateful.

So from my original letter:
"Many of you go to the UIA website to look for corporate sponsors that you might want to do business with. In some cases, you would be better off doing a Google search. There are some important facts that you probably are unaware of.
During the annual board meeting at the end of January 2013, the United Inventors Association CEASED certification of their sponsor companies because certification creates liability for the UIA. However they failed to offer you, the inventor in need of assistance, the courtesy of informing you that they had removed this safety net. The UIA board members preferred to allow you to trust that they were performing their due diligence with the companies who received their seal of membership for their websites and on the UIA website. In reality, the United Inventors Association was no longer performing any such service."

Warren tuttle replied to this letter publicly by saysing:
"On the issue of UIA sponsorship addressed in the Email. The UIA Board voted in February to change our corporate certification sponsorship program to a corporate sponsorship program. We did this for several reasons, not the least of which involved companies outside the UIA questioning the validity of any organization preforming an official certification process. Additionally, the UIA was acting on the advice of legal counsel who advised us that a certification process could expose the organization to legal liability. A portion of the organization’s funding comes from corporate members, however our focus on the needs of the individual inventor remains our primary goal"
Warrens letter confirmed exactly what I had told the membership, yet and even to date, The UIA does not go out to publicly apologize for not letting the UIA community know about these changes, how these changes affect the UIA member going on to the site looking for quality companies or as they were never told, "Certified Companies"
Next in Warrens Letter he states
" I can assure everyone that the UIA cares deeply about who we are associated with and will continue to carefully screen all corporate sponsorship applicants."

As you know I was the Director of Corporate Membership services, I contacted or was contacted by companies who wished to align their company with the UIA, in this next post I have no choice but to protect both the author and the company as I would be more than happy to explain after i contact both parties involved..

"Hi All,

It has come to my attention that XXXXX XXXXX is now a member or sponsor of the UIA. His company's name is XXX. He is the XXXXX. He runs the company but XXX owns it.

I have mentioned his name to Mark months ago.

He is a very unethical businessman that preys on people and companies that want to get into retail.

He has burned bridges in my circle with distribution companies, brokers and past clients (I happen to know people in all three categories).

If you'd like to conference, I can explain further.

Best Regards,

Deleted to protect the privacy of the author"

This person who wrote the letter is not a part of the executive Committee, but this company is one of the companies that one of the executive committee had a real issue with, to the point of requesting a conference call that I was a part of, while I am not a voting member of the committee, I was included in the call the member of the EC (Executive Committee) Valid points were brought up as to why this specific company should nt be a member and we should not allow them to sponsor, after the call I was instructed to send it back out for a secondary vote, to my shock, the original person who had the problem with the company voted a resounding NO! the rest of the votes that came in, amazingly came in as all YESes.

I bring this up due to the statement that was signed Warren Tuttle "" I can assure everyone that the UIA cares deeply about who we are associated with and will continue to carefully screen all corporate sponsorship applicants."

Does this appear to you that the UIA had the best interest of the inventor involved, or was it the 3000.00 in cash flow that the UIA would receive as a result of allowing this company in?

Now Back to my original email. I stated "While they were not allowed to have the mailing list at their discretion, we would send out promotional mailings for this company to the inventor members of the UIA. If a company wants to access our members the only requirement is PAYMENT. Special programs were designed for patron sponsors at a cost of $250.00 per email to have anything at they desired sent to all of you. This is basically a “pay to play” agenda..

There are 3 levels of membership in the structure of the program I was put in charge of, we had a platinum Membership that cost 5000.00

a small business platinum Membership that cost 3000.00

and a Patron membership which was deemed a donation level membership

the 3000.00 membership and the 5000.00 are exactly the same with the only exception of what UIA badge the company was given to use on their websites. and even the ROI was even the same for those levels. (while I may misunderstand what I read, its my understanding for a 501c3 non profit educational foundation, they are not allowed to offer an ROI (return on Investment) I will get back into this topic later in this blog. Now the Patron Membership the 500.00 had NO ROI attached to it, so in my next post from an actual email of a patron sponsor. the offer made to them mark told me to offer it and see if they would go for it.

Hello Joe,

I just wanted to let you know that the show organizers of the xxxxxxx agreed to the offer. Just to summarize you will cover two 2-mailings for us to your 13,000 members under a Patron membership including the use of the UIA logo for a fee of $1,000.00 US.

Can you please confirm the above, then I will send you the address to whom the invoice should be issued to, since it will be in the name of Inventions Geneva.


xxxxxxx xxxxxx

This company was allowed to pay 250.00 for each email it sent out advertising their event, totalling 500.00 above and beyond their Patron Membership. essentially if they PAID, they could access the UIA membership.

Next in my original email I claimed "The UIA website has not been updated and no new material has been added since I joined this organization." well you can go to the site and see for yourself, also on that front if you refer to the board minutes they state Joe is working on a new website, I was never compensated for this work, and can show the changes I made to make improvements on updating the website, this project was completely outside of the scope of my job, which now I find out I was simply a volunteer. - more proof against that to come soon.

and finally in my original email I claimed"

I have had personal conversations with Mark Reyland, the Executive Director of the United Inventors Association, during which he explained that he was duplicating a product another inventor had only recently successfully brought to the consumer market. Mark Reyland, the EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR of the UIA made DEMANDS that this inventor show him the claims on the patent the inventor held. He has even asked me to do CAD design work for a product that I now believe he was trying to at least directly interfere with the success of, if not outright steal .

The person Mark did this to has written her own story about it, with permission I am posting it here next


Answers to Questions Regarding Mark Reyland Redesigning Inventors Product

at 11:32 AM Posted by Lesia Farmer


I am at the forefront of this issue of Mark Reyland redesigning an inventor's product. Why you ask? Because I am Lesia Farmer, the Lesia Farmer that Mark redesigned my "
Trap Door Colander"

There are a million questions regarding Warren Tuttle, Mark Reyland, Lifetime Brands, and the UIA coming in, and I need to clear up the facts of the story. Please read this story in its entirety, as I need to clear up the name's of the innocent people/companies involved here.

Here are the clear facts for anyone who wants to take the time to read:

Several months ago, I was contacted by Mark Reyland who had a new design to my Trap Door Colander. He asked me what I thought of the product "I explained to Mark that I thought my patent application covered his design" and honestly I was not a big fan of the product, but that is the one I wanted him to stay with out of fear of what it could do to my colander which was just beginning to barely make traction in retail.

I then spoke to Warren Tuttle, who called to fill me in on the fact that Mark was working on a colander, and had asked for it to be submitted to Lifetime Brands. Warren at that time explained to me that it was his contractual responsibility to submit products to them, but that in fact he would proceed with caution on my behalf. Warren also said he had explained to Mark that he needed to in fact get in touch with me because of the ethical issue at hand I assume. Mark did in fact contact me via phone, and once again I explained that I felt my patent application covered his design. He proceeded to explain to me that I did not have an actual patent, and that all I had was a patent application, which in fact was true. He said that only way he would know whether he needed to include me was by seeing my patent claims, and really pushed I show them. We got into a bit of what I consider a mild disagreement, and we at the end agreed I would contact my patent attorney. At that point I was advised not to have any more discussions with Mark about my patent. So that is what I did, no more contact.

At that point Warren Tuttle did in fact what his obligation was to do, and that was to submit Mark's version of the colander to Lifetime Brands. Warren kept me in the loop, and did come back and tell me that he had shown it, but because of the complicated issues he advised Lifetime Brands it may not be a good idea to move forward. Lifetime Brands in fact turned the new colander design down. All I can say is "what a sigh of relief!!"

At that point I also had Joe Fournier contact me that was working on the CADS for Mark, because he was a friend of mine. He was also worried about the ethical issues of designing CADS around my product. He and I had many in depth discussions about my feelings on the issue, and he did well at keeping me calm. Mark Reyland was also a friend of his, and we tried to keep the two separate, and he never shared the CADS with me. He just assured me that my product was better, so no worries. He also had a job to do for the UIA, and I always tried to respect that. Then at a much later date Joe shared with me that Mark Reyland had submitted the new colander design to A.J. Khubani on his private jet. I have verified that story through a very reliable source, and that source was someone who was also on the plane.

With everything I am trying to say, my main focus is that people understand that I respect Warren Tuttle's responsibility to Lifetime Brands, and I have never held against him that he did his job. Warren Tuttle is a great friend of mine, and still today I trust him. I think the distrust needs to be shifted in another direction, and that is the direction of Mark Reyland. I told Mark if this ever got out, it would be a train wreck, well Mark by not covering yourself, and boasting about what you had done, the train wreck is in fact here. I sit back, and kept my mouth closed, and you decided to move forward and make people aware you were redisigning my colander, and that is your fault.

I also would like to add that legally Mark Reyland did NOTHING wrong....... For the inventor community it seems to be the ETHICS are what is in question here with Mark Reyland position as Executive Director of the United Inventors Association!!

He spoke of me as if I was not only a friend, but a professional inventor: and maybe this is why I have had a hard time with this.

I do not want this blog post to be about anger or hurt, so I will leave it at this. I have drawn my own conclusion............Now it's up to you the reader to draw yours as to who is guilty of anything. It is NOT Warren Tuttle, it is NOT Lifetime Brands, and NOT the UIA. The only part the UIA that plays in any of this is the position Mark Reyland holds as the Executive Director.

I put my faith in Warren that he will handle this internally, and my hopes is that one bad apple does not spoil the whole bunch. We all agree the UIA has some outstanding inventor programs, and I know these people tirelessly give their personal time. I beg of each one of you reading, please put the blame where it is due, and not against an entire organization.

Any responses will be monitored before I post them because I will NOT have this turn into a more confusing situation, nor will I let this get out of hand with anything that is not a fact in this story!!

I have done what I thought was right, I may have handled this more of on an emotional level, instead of a professional level. for that I do apologize! but the facts are still the facts no matter how they are presented, I know I should have done it differently but I allowed my emotions to take hold. looking at the proof, I NEVER LIED to you, I told you the truth,
In Recent events, Mark, the UIA Greg Amundson of www.cornerflex (who I have never met, I do not know, and has stated he does not know me) and even Warren tuttle have slandered me, made every effort to discredit me, I have gotten emails where others who claim to know mark tell me to be careful, keep a close eye not only on myself, but be watchful for my family as well. ( to a degree I am fearful of the safety of myself and my family) my local police and friends on the police force have been made aware of these things and while there is nothing they can do right now, it is on file I have expressed my ceoncern for the safety and well being of my family.
Everything I have stated about the UIA has been proven, admitted or otherwise given full credibility
I will say this though, in a very short period of time, my life has been flipped upside down and violently shaken, well thats what it feels like.
There is still more to come, but anyone who supports my decision tp blow the whistle on the UIA. I need help. Me a handful of good friends, even if all you can do is make sure these messages get out there for as many people as possible to see. to telling your story, you are not alone, and you may just encourage the next person to tell their story