Joe Fournier

Monday, June 3, 2013
HOW IT ALL STARTED - insider blows the whistle on the United Inventors Association
this was sent out to the entire UIA MEMBERSHIP BASE AND SPONSORS
Dear Members,
My Name is Joe Fournier. I am the Director of Membership Programs for the United Inventors Association.
I would like to firstly inform you that this email is being sent out to every member of the UIA.
Many of you go to the UIA website to look for corporate sponsors that you might want to do business with. In some cases, you would be better off doing a Google search. There are some important facts that you probably are unaware of.
During the annual board meeting at the end of January 2013, the United Inventors Association CEASED certification of their sponsor companies because certification creates liability for the UIA. However they failed to offer you, the inventor in need of assistance, the courtesy of informing you that they had removed this safety net. The UIA board members preferred to allow you to trust that they were performing their due diligence with the companies who received their seal of membership for their websites and on the UIA website. In reality, the United Inventors Association was no longer performing any such service.
My position as Director of Membership Programs was to find companies who wanted to sponsor (provide operational funding for) the UIA. Following the annual board meeting, companies that wished to sponsor the UIA would send me their BASIC information. I would then send that information to the UIA executive committee who would then vote Yes or No. My position required NO RESEARCH into the past histories, current practices, ethics, or basic trustworthiness of those companies. In many cases, the request for sponsorship approval was sent out and within minutes YES replies were returned. I feel that there was NO ATTEMPT AT RESEARCHING the potential sponsor companies due to the swiftness of the replies I had received. In fact the only negative response I had EVER received was from Bill McHenrey. Even when he had said no and presented valid reasons why the company should not be a sponsor, he was out voted by the remainder of the committee. That company paid between $3000 and $5000 to become a sponsor and have access to the UIA mailing list. While they were not allowed to have the mailing list at their discretion, we would send out promotional mailings for this company to the inventor members of the UIA. If a company wants to access our members the only requirement is PAYMENT. Special programs were designed for patron sponsors at a cost of $250.00 per email to have anything at they desired sent to all of you. This is basically a “pay to play” agenda.
The UIA website has not been updated and no new material has been added since I joined this organization.
I have had personal conversations with Mark Reyland, the Executive Director of the United Inventors Association, during which he explained that he was duplicating a product another inventor had only recently successfully brought to the consumer market. Mark Reyland, the EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR of the UIA made DEMANDS that this inventor show him the claims on the patent the inventor held. He has even asked me to do CAD design work for a product that I now believe he was trying to at least directly interfere with the success of, if not outright steal .
Please do your own research. Perform a Google search on Mark Reyland or on the UIA and draw your own conclusions.
I would like to formally apologize for any direct or indirect actions on my part that may have resulted in damage to any of you. It was never my intention to act in any manner that could be perceived in any way as unethical. I believed in the mission of the UIA, and believed I was acting to HELP inventors bring their ideas and products to the public.
the UIA that night issued this reply.
On behalf of the entire UIA we would like to apologize for the email you received this evening from Joe Fournier. Mr. Fournier was terminated from the UIA on Monday of this week. We are unsure at this point how he gained this unauthorized access to our system.
Our attorneys will look into this matter and pursue all available legal remedies.
Again, we apologize for any inconvenience this incident may have caused you and look forward to your continued support of the UIA Inventor Education Mission
The UIA Staff
next this message was sent to the almost 14000 members.
just look at the website for the UIA where there used to be Certified Pros, now there are corporate sponsors, I may be upset about my job, but it don't make me a liar!
check for yourself, as for the rest anyone wants proof don't worry I was contacted by CBS, I will tell my story and yours, please email me with your interactions with the UIA and Mark Reyland
I have told no lies, I want you all to know the truth, of course they will try to find some excuse, I ask you to search for your self, ask me and I will help you in anyway possible
hitting reply will send the emails to me
and then this.......
If you would like to ask me any questions I am an open book, Mark will do whatever it takes to cover his butt, I did not hack into any accounts, I simply walked to my computer and logged in, even now and police report will show I used the credentials provided to me to log in to my account which I am authorized to use.
please do not make false claims against me, I am not afraid of you and your threats, I am doing the right thing by letting the members of the UIA know and fully understand the organization they are a part of, they were supposed to be able to trust,
to the many of you who have already replied to me, thank you for your support, as you see I will not be someone who is just going to go away, the UIA has broken its promise to every one of you and thats NOT RIGHT!
and finally this one signed Warren Tuttle
Dear UIA Members,
Last evening an e-mail was sent by Joe Fournier to our entire United Inventors Association membership. I apologize for any inconvenience or concern this e-mail, or his follow up emails, may have caused. Joe had been helping the UIA as an outside contractor, assisting with our corporate membership development program. Joe is no longer contracted to provide services to the UIA and does not represent our organization in any capacity.
On the issue of UIA sponsorship addressed in the Email. The UIA Board voted in February to change our corporate certification sponsorship program to a corporate sponsorship program. We did this for several reasons, not the least of which involved companies outside the UIA questioning the validity of any organization preforming an official certification process. Additionally, the UIA was acting on the advice of legal counsel who advised us that a certification process could expose the organization to legal liability. A portion of the organization’s funding comes from corporate members, however our focus on the needs of the individual inventor remains our primary goal. I can assure everyone that the UIA cares deeply about who we are associated with and will continue to carefully screen all corporate sponsorship applicants.
I would also like to add that any complaints about UIA Executive Director Mark Reyland treating inventors unfairly, or otherwise taking advantage of his position at the UIA, are entirely unfounded. Few people in this industry care more about the needs of the independent inventor than Mark Reyland. Anyone who knows Mark knows what a tireless advocate he is and how much he has moved our industry forward since coming to the UIA just 3 years ago.
Finally, I would like to reiterate my sincerest apologies for any concerns or inconvenience these events have caused. Should you have any individual questions, please feel free to reach out to me personally. With that in mind, the UIA does not wish to further address these matters on a global front.
I wish each and every one of you the very best. Keep on inventing and please help us continue the UIA mission of independent inventor education.
Warren Tuttle
President, UIA Board of Directors
now I open this up for open discussion, freely tell your story. the only way things are going to change is for people to stand up for what is right, please help.
Joe Fournier,
Mark Reyland,
united inventors Association,
Warren Tuttle
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Working on fixing the blog, had some prblems. hopefully we are on the right path for fixing it
ReplyDeleteMy blog was tampered with, previous comments are now gone, the ability to post was gone as well for a couple days, I believe we have solved the problem, in changing the passwords and securing the account better, I know I had given Mark Reyland my login for this at some point a while ago, while I do not know if he had anything to do with it, or if it was just something I did wrong on the blog, eitherway, its been fixed now and can now accept new comments and posts. please
ReplyDeleteIt must be exhausting for mark Reyland
ReplyDeleteTo constantly cover his tracks, he is up
Some nights all night covering his fake profile
And fraudulent activities,
One thing that bothers me is Russell Williams is on the United Inventors Association Board and the owner of Invention Home (Invention Submission Co, and . This is a situation that should never happen. It reminds me of fox in the chicken house.
ReplyDeleteDoe's anyone know why QVC would ever get tied up with an Invention Company?
QVC Sprouts Product Submission - SubmitMyInvention
A Product Hunt is an open search for innovative products that fit a company's target product line.
I smell something bad with this
Well I may be able to shed a little light on some of these things, The SMI system owned by Invention Home Russ Williams, heres how it works, QVC uses the SMI system, as inventions come into the system, QVC decided at what stage they want to move the product to, once the product goes to the declined stage, then its automatically dumped into the Invention Home system, go try a few if you google submitmyinvention , you will get a list of companies who use the software if you submit something to each of them and they are not interested, then it goes to Russ, then you will get that form letter from Inventin Home making offers to help you with your product, basically an emailed sales pitch. the SMI system is offered FREE to companies, the trade off is Invention Home gets the rejects it can now try to sell services to. Some may ask how do I know this, well I was asked by Mark to learn the SMI system so that I would use it as a selling tool for selling memberships, we have a company who offers a free way for you to manage a way for your company to accept new ideas and inventions.
ReplyDeleteSO to recap - Russ Williams of Invention Home, also owns SMI (submit my invention) and is a UIA Board Member. I am instructed by Mark Reyland to use the SMI system as a selling point to new potential corporate sponsors, when these new sponsors use the system anything they reject, an email is sent to the inventor with Russ Williams Invention Home offering to HELP by selling the inventor SERVICES
I used invention home and after a year or so felt it was a scam! At lease that is what my gut told me. Every email I got was so vague that its seemed impossible that any real interaction was going on between invention home and the companies my product was submitted to!
DeleteAnd when I asked about improving the presentation pitch or could I maybe speak to potential interested parties invention home told not to worry about it.They have it under control the do this all the time. Which again seemed odd but since I was new inventor I thought this was normal.
During this time with invention home I was doing my own research trying to grow my idea and fund it. And wouldn't you know from the work I put in I was able to bring my idea to life without the help of these so called experts! I know now I wasted time and money hoping a company like invention home would actually care enough to try and help a nobody like me. What a JOKE!
And the funny thing is after I was done with my 1 yr agreement those turkey's actually had the nerve to ask me if I could still use their help. LOL NO THANK YOU I told them. I would never recommend a company like them to anyone. I would however tell every person I could not to use a service like that, with hard work you can do it on your own if you just research and do you homework!!! There are enough honest people out there that will actually help you if you need it!
In the end I am glad I learned a good lesson, but I hope that if this company truly is fraudulent that they are caught and more people are not scammed out of their hard earned dollars!
I am going through alot of emails, good thing I save everything, but this is to the "unauthorized Access" Mark refers to in one of his lies to you
ReplyDeleteHello Joe Fournier,
You have been added by Mark Reyland as an Authorized Service Administrator (ASA) for United Inventors Association of America. Your login information is below.
Username: joefournier
Password: summer2012
As an ASA, you have full administrative access to MemberClicks and are also able to access any online and phone support services provided by our Help Team. Please contact Mark Reyland by replying to this email should you have questions about the use of your authorized service administrator profile for United Inventors Association of America.
The MemberClicks Help Team