Joe Fournier

Joe Fournier

Friday, June 7, 2013

EDISON NATION - insider blows the whistle on the United Inventors Association

 the link above will take you to the full content of the blog on the UIA Blog.

So did you know the very company Mark is talking about in this blog, Edison Nation, Did you know that the person who replies to or used to reply to, and may still may be, is Roger Brown

The UIA offers an email address you can email  notice the company that Mark is blasting in the blog above is Edison Nation,  now who do you think all this time who has been writing the replies to your emails when you ask your questions, Roger Brown, Licensing of Edison Nation,  Now at one point Roger had to quit replying to UIA members, not because Mark had trashed Edison Nation, but because he was TOLD to, he was given week off work and forced to write a formal apology letter John Young, (for?)  I know this story because Mark told me the story when he asked me to take over the mail address, answering questions for inventors, I think it was even listed as ask a pro,  well Just because I worked for the UIA does not make me a pro, as a matter of fact while I did my best to give a decent answer, all I really could do was google the question and hope I was giving helpful information.  The point being did the UIA really care who answered the questions, why wouldn't they have someone who had more knowledge than I? Was I qualified? No I have never marketed a product, had an invention sitting on a store shelf, I was just your average Joe.

Why am I telling you all this, I am giving you an inside look into the UIA.  if you have ever wondered something, feel free to ask me, and if I know the answer I will be more than happy to provide you with the answers.


  1. Why is it Roger Brown had to write the Apology to John Young? I've been a member on Edison Nation for quite a few years. At first Roger was a wealth of knowledge for a long time then he changed. Other members say Roger turned for the worse when he started collaborating with Mark Reyland. Im not sure why he ever got tied up with Mark unless it was fear. Everyone knows to stay away from Mark after he pulled his JohnnyGee fake profile off on the members.

    Mark downgrades people especially women he knows has a strong backbone.

    Where is this letter he had to write. Post it please

  2. its my understanding from Mark Reyland when he asked me to take over the inventing questionss email that only 3 people have that Roger, John and louis, and it was supposed to be a private thing, Mark told the story to me with no regard.

  3. Here is the letter, its not what John agreed to, Roger Brown went back on his word. John insisted it say some where in it " Im no longer supporting Mark Reyland " It didn't. The deal was to post this letter and stay away from Mark and the negative evidence about Roger would be removed. Roger Brown is a liar, he breaks confidentiality agreements, And reneges on deals !


    Over the past 3 years I have learned that the internet can be used as a tool for education, inspiring people, social networking and a lot of other good objectives. I have also learned that it can be used for the complete opposite. It can be used to ruin people’s reputations, spread accusations, and just plain hateful words that have no value other than to be hurtful. Over the past three years there have been a number of ongoing arguments between John Young, Troy Robison, Tania Reynaert, Derek Pater, Peter Dunn, Nancy Tedeschi, Mark Reyland and myself.

    There have been false accusations, personal attacks, actual facts and lies thrown around at each other. The general intent has been to discredit the other and a lot of he said/she said. The main result has been a huge waste of everyone’s time, people’s reputations tarnished, hurting the inventing community as a whole and wasting time that could have been spent productively. In hindsight, I wish that I would have avoided all of this. I am embarrassed by many of the actions I participated in and I deeply regret any part I may have had in attacking or discrediting anyone.

    What started out as healthy discussions turned into an unproductive continuous circus and obsession for everyone involved, myself included. It is great to be passionate about your point, but when it becomes an everyday assault it doesn’t help anyone, no matter how good your intentions may be. This has been going on for three years and nothing has changed. I have come to realize that you are judged by the company that you keep and that an individual’s reputation and integrity are priceless. I have let my behavior impact my personal and professional life.

    I have gotten involved in online battles that were not mine that I should have stayed out of. I realize what was initially a good intention has resulted in bad choices on my part.

    I am no longer involved in anyone’s fight. I have made mistakes in my choices, but have learned from them. Today begins a new chapter in my life. My goal is to assist inventors and allow them to realize the feeling of seeing their great ideas get to market. I will not allow online distractions to get in the way of achieving my goals, nor will I engage in the type of name-calling that has led to this action. It would benefit the entire Inventor community if all disparaging comments on Linkedin and blogs were deleted and everyone got back to actually helping Inventors.

    Regardless, I am done contributing to these and spreading the hatred. I have gone through Linkedin and deleted everything I posted about the people above that was not of a positive nature. I plan to focus my time and efforts on helping inventors, not finding ways to discredit them. I now work for EdisonNation, an organization that has been successful in licensing intellectual property to leading manufacturers and retailers. This new position gives me the ability to do what I am passionate about - helping bring Inventor’s products to market. My time and energy is focused on that goal and nothing else. I wish everyone above a successful future as we move forward.

    -Roger Brown

  4. You can read about some of Roger Browns unethical behavior and Mark Reyland supporting here.

    Look for a new "Roger Brown untrustworthy employee at Edison Nation" blog coming in the next few weeks. Its going to post proof of his lies, confidentiality breeching, and deal reneging.

    HE loves Mark Reyland too much to post these 6 simple words, " I'm no longer supporting Mark Reyland ". Saying that would have had him removed from my blog and Louis Foreman and Edison nation's name would show no negativity.

    But Mark Reyland is more important to him than his boss Louis Foreman that his buddy Mark Reyland smears.

  5. Bill you should tag this website to the above :)

  6. This was posted on Linkedin. Joe can you explain it in more detail

    This is interesting Russell Williams owner of Invention Home Inventor Submission Company and UIA Board member wants to help Reyland bury all the bad information on Mark Reyland .

    How nice of Russell to help him bury all the TRUE info. Does anyone really think these guys are out to help inventors. I don't ! There plan is to get the bad info to drop off onto Google so QVC will help fund the UIA. Maybe Martin Bispels from QVC can shed some light on the subject.

    From: Russ Williams []

    Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 2:13 PM

    To: 'Mark Reyland' Subject: idea

    Mark, I was thinking some more about your Troy issue and although I can’t do much to help stop the harassment, I may be able to help you mitigate some of the damage.

    It seems to me that one of the biggest issues is how he is negatively impacting your name when people search for you online. Although, we can’t remove the posts in many cases, we may be able to neutralize their impact by driving them down to the 2nd or 3rd page.

    Research shows that most people do not search beyond the 1st page so all we need to do is dominate the 1st page with good links. I started a strategy document that we can build on to accomplish this objective.

    Let me know if you’re interested in trying this approach.

    Russ Williams President Invention Home

    1. Center Road, Suite 105, Monroeville, PA 15146 P: 412-229-1340 |

    From: Mark Reyland

    Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 3:42 PM


    Cc: Phillip Reyland

    Subject: RE: idea


    Absolutely -

    Here is the link to the new UIA word press blog. My son Phillip is building it to help overtake the garbage blogs. additionally, Joe is working on some additional domains so we can start flooding content to them from these other blogs.

    I don’t know much about search engines but there has to be a way to drive this stuff way down in the page count.

    Thanks for caring enough to want to help….that means a lot.

    Mark T. Reyland , invention home Russell Williams SCAM, Mark T. Reyland, Roger Brown Inventor Edison Nation, United Inventors Association ,
    QVC Martin Bispels, Warren Tuttle scam Techtronic Industries Scam & Life Time Brands ,TRAP DOOR COLANDER Lesia Farmer. United States Patent Trademark Office

  7. So the idea was to load up a bunch of domains, with positive information, duplicated from existing sites, in an attempt to push the negative ones to the second or third page, I set up the domains.... Now I wonder if the UIA paid for the fees associated with setting up all those domains to try to make Mark Reylands negative websites harder to find. I wonder if that would be something the board approved? Pushing the negative stuff to the 2nd or 3rd page almost make it unfindable, most people get to the 2nd page when searching. so they say...
