Saturday, May 18
What I know about Mark Reyland & Warren Tuttle
May 17, 2013 From: A fellow Inventor
I got the emails this week like everybody else. But what I know is Joe Fournier is a convicted Felon who spent three years in prison for theft and computer hacking. I also know Mark Reyland took a chance on him when no one else would. I have worked with Mark Reyland and the Directors of the UIA for over 4 years now. Mark has become a good friend of ours and his integrity, honesty and helpfulness is paramount. We started our the pursuit of our invention 4 years ago at the Inventors Congress Show in Redwood Falls, MN where we were first introduced to Mark Reyland. Mark was the kind of guy that was not there to provide false hope or tell you that you would make a bunch of money with your idea. He was very direct and to the point. Some of his comments stung a little and I remember being more than tweaked at what he told me I had to change to become successful with our product. After that Show I realized he was right and I worked toward making some of these changes which have gotten us to where we are today. That was 4 years ago and today we find ourselves in a wonderful position with opportunities I could never of dreamed of with numerous national companies. But, we would not be where we are without the help of MarkReyland. Period! Mark was always been there to help in his direct no BS style. Many times he was quite critical but in hindsight he was almost always right. When I read stories about Mark Reyland stealing inventor’s ideas or running the UIA for the benefit of the invention companies it couldn’t be further from the truth. Mark has had many opportunities to send us in directions that would benefit him financially but he has never done so. Mark has always been very honest and open about inventor companies good and bad. To this day, Mark has provided us with guidance and honesty that has benefited us without any financial gain for himself. Mark Reyland is not the only one at the UIA that has provided help in our pursuit of becoming a successful company. Warren Tuttle and the other directors have provided valuable assistance many times over without benefit to themselves. I may never understand what caused the lashing out by a past employee of the UIA but I can honestly say that Mark Reylandand the Board of Directors at the UIA have always had our best interests first and foremost. We owe a lot of our success to them and very much appreciate it. Greg Amundson Posted by Mark Reyland at 9:45 AM No comments:

Now here is something to really take note of, the title of the article says " what I know about Mark Reyland & Warren Tuttle, yet in the first paragraph its nothing to go with Mark or Warren, it instantly goes into bashing me, if anyone would like references as to who I am and my work ethics, let me know, my email has been posted quite a bit,
Mark Reyland is out of control. Will the UIA remove him or let them run them in the ground. I would contact all their corporate sponsor's and make them all aware of all of this. If they choose to remain a sponsor after this, it tells you a little about their company. Only the good professional companies will prove who they are when they withdraw their support.
ReplyDeleteJoe change your strategy to Rid us of Mark. Don't try to choke them to death, starve them to death. Without funding by these sponsor's they will quickly fold and have to rebuild, or just go away. Either way its better for inventors than what they have become and now are.
Starve them !
ReplyDeleteThe United Inventors Association of America
From facebook
An Inventor is one who proves the physical, mathematical, psychological, or mechanical manifestation of a hypothesis, and a CONMAN is a person who uses a fraud method known as a confidence trick. Like stealing ANOTHER PERSONS IDEA like Lesia Farmers colander
its clear and obvious that the UIA doesnot care that Mark Reyland is a conman, he probably has something he holds over each and every one of them so they cant boot him out, it makes no sense how this non profit allows someone who is supposed to protect inventors to simply out right LIE and Steal from people and then go out and play his bullshit game to the public. its just sad...